NEW Purse Day!

Last years spring purseSo I have been contemplating a new purse, partially because my old one has become an embarrassment and partially because it’s spring (almost) and I decided that was reason enough.

Last year I made this purse

It was cute and certainly a learning experience! But it lived a long spring and summer and is starting to show it’s age. Which lead to the time consuming task of deciding on a pattern and fabrics for new purse. I had been eyeing the exterior fabric for awhile and though this would be an excellent time to utilize it. It’s a heavy linen, so you can see the weave, and the oatmeal is a nice background to the green. The pattern is similar to the polka dot purse I started… but have yet to finish.

Spring Purse

It’s not intended to be reversible, but turning it inside out was the best way to get a photograph. The pockets are from two different fabrics from my stash (which is getting out of control with my new addiction to quilting). And as per usual I put in a couple slips to keep pens from getting lost in the bottom.

Spring Purse InteriorSpring Purse Interior 2

As you can see the bag is on the slouchy side and I’m ok with that. It is the perfect size to carry a book or two and possibly some fabric that I might buy over lunch… But I found myself wondering if it would be better to sew a seam at each corner to make it a little more boxy. The photos below show the way it is now and how it might look with the added seams. Any thoughts?

Spring Purse 2Spring Purse 3


  1. oh, i do love that purse!

  2. Hmmmm … thinking you need to send it right on over so I can test it out for you and get back to you on your question. šŸ™‚

  3. candi

    Love your purse. I was so sad when I went to Etsy and saw nothing on your page šŸ™ So, I came right over to your site. You are so creative. I wish you could bag it up and sell some of it. šŸ™‚

    • You are incredibly kind! I hope to be getting my etsy shop stocked up soon. That was the plan for may and as you saw it didn’t quite happen as planned šŸ™‚ I hope all a well in your neck of the woods.

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