In the works…Hobo Bag

With polka dots of coarse! Somehow I had never seen this fabric before. I love corduroy, possibly because there were a lot of corduroy jumpers in my wardrobe as a little girl, but I have been having a hard time finding good colors of corduroy. Black and red are easy enough to find and there is an adorable apple print around but it is a bit too juvenile for the purse I want to make. But as I was searching for Possum (the friendly cat) I found this great corded fabric. Sarah told me it’s not technically a corduroy, but it feels like a thin well corduroy. Anyway in dark navy blue with quarter size white polka dots I could not resist!
New Purse FabricEarly pattern

I knew I wanted to make a purse out of my new find but was drawing a blank on what to pair with it. My first inclination was a red and white print, but that seems too patriotic and not the look I was going for. I decided, with a little help, that yellow would be a good choice. Crisp and clean. I think the floral will be a great interior, enough interest and depth without overpowering the bag. And the navy ticking will be pockets inside.

As for the shape, I cut a simple pattern out of muslin to get an idea of size. I am thinking a “Hobo” style, a little slouchy, with a thicker band around the top. Maybe an inverted pleat? Maybe a large fabric covered button with a loop to close? One strap or two? I’m not sure yet! Any suggestions?

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