I have a habit of starting projects and forgetting about them. But this week I have been trying to tidy up loose ends. Purses, quilts you name it I’ve been elbow deep in the closet. I have also been cooking … Continue reading

I have a habit of starting projects and forgetting about them. But this week I have been trying to tidy up loose ends. Purses, quilts you name it I’ve been elbow deep in the closet. I have also been cooking … Continue reading
With polka dots of coarse! Somehow I had never seen this fabric before. I love corduroy, possibly because there were a lot of corduroy jumpers in my wardrobe as a little girl, but I have been having a hard time … Continue reading
From time to time I make pie, though as of late (the last year or so) I have been having a rough time with pie crust. Sometimes it would shrink too much while baking and other times it “melted” into … Continue reading
This past weekend I had a hankering to bake, I’ll blame it on the deliciously cool weather, and I decided to give the yeast breads a go. I have made bread before with varying degrees of success and but decided … Continue reading
So I have finally diversified on Etsy and listed a few of the gift card holders / mini wallets. I also put up one of the polka dot purses, who can’t resist fall colors? I think my favorite is the … Continue reading
So I hate, absolutely HATE to give gift cards, but sometimes they are the best gift option. Recently I added an itunes gift card to a birthday package and found myself wanting to dress it up a little. Something to … Continue reading
I have been working on a purse, using the fabulous new fabrics I purchased from Sarah’s, and per usual I changed my mind on the design, needed more fabric only to find that it was 9:30 at night and Sarah’s … Continue reading