Hut Two Three Four

In the midst of wedding cake baking and fall festivities I managed to whip out a little quilt for an old friend.

Marching Elephants Quilt

I have known Brooke since the days of tutus and sequins. We have commiserated over horrendous dance numbers and waited in the wings nervously marking our steps. And while I couldn’t find any photos to post I can remember those days vividly.

Marching Elephants Quilt

When I found out she was expecting a little boy I set to work trying to find the right fabrics. In combing through my stash I came across some Alexander Henry elephants that I had purchased some time back. It’s whimsical and childlike without being too kitchy. Coupled with some coordinating blues and greens and the obligatory polka dots I was set. Of coarse there was a hasty trip to the store with fingers crossed to get just a little more fabric. One of these days I might plan ahead, but what fun would that be?

In piecing the back the elephants reminded me of the marching elephants in Jungle Book. Which, if you will allow a slight rant, makes me ask why Disney no longer makes good animated movies? I am sure I am not the only one who sang along to Part of My World until she was hoarse or wore out the Beauty & The Beast soundtrack, on tape. I just can’t get excited out Cinderella 2.5, though maybe that is because I am not the target audience…

Marching Elephants Quilt


  1. Joah

    this is beautiful! and how special that you made it yourself. You are so talented, dear. 🙂

  2. Just so you know, we love you dearly, and we speak of your glory on a regular basis. You made our wedding. Thank you. Come visit… nay, MOVE to Chicago. You’d be great to have around. Pass that on to the Matty for me, wouldja?

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