On a recent trip to Crate & Barrel I came away with a number of items, an entire bag for under $40 as a matter of fact. My favorite of which is the Die Cast Zester-Stripper. I’ve been looking for … Continue reading

On a recent trip to Crate & Barrel I came away with a number of items, an entire bag for under $40 as a matter of fact. My favorite of which is the Die Cast Zester-Stripper. I’ve been looking for … Continue reading
So I have been contemplating a new purse, partially because my old one has become an embarrassment and partially because it’s spring (almost) and I decided that was reason enough. Last year I made this purse It was cute and … Continue reading
Have I ever mentioned how I like to make lists… more importantly checking things off of lists. I have been known to write things down that I have already done just so that I can immediately check things off. It … Continue reading
I could not be more pleased with the way this quilt turned out. I freely admit I was worried, but when it came out of the dryer I broke into a grin and did a little dance! As the title … Continue reading
We were excited about the idea of a sunny spring like weekend. But mother nature intervened with rain… lots and lots of rain. So we made due and altered our plans, which was probably for the best because there are … Continue reading