I finished up the sleeves I had in the works and if all goes well I should have three, hopefully four, more to put up by this weekend! Check them out on etsy and view more photos!

I finished up the sleeves I had in the works and if all goes well I should have three, hopefully four, more to put up by this weekend! Check them out on etsy and view more photos!
We have been on the receiving end of a lot of fresh organic produce this summer. The only problem, which should be italicized, is finding new ways to incorporate them into our meals. This is one of my favorites, a … Continue reading
I have been amazed with the response on Etsy. I completely sold out of MacBook sleeves. Which in turn means that I need to get busy and spend some time sewing. I have a few sleeves that are getting the … Continue reading
I absolutely love the way this frame turned out. I used the leftover dyed buttons from the Button Purse and a frame that I picked up on clearance. It’s a plain wood frame, but the “mat” is actually cork, which … Continue reading